Lowlines are 100% American Aberdeen Angus. Every full blood (100% Lowline) must be DNA tested prior to being registered to guarantee their purity
Lowlines may be finished on grass or grain. When finishing on grain they finish within 45 days compared to 90 day average for commercial breeds. When raised on grass only the meat has more omega 3 fatty acids (a beneficial fat), less omega 6 fatty acids (a detrimental fat), offering a healthier product
Steers are typically finished at between 18-24 months old. The age may vary depending on genetics, time of year, etc.
Animal sizes are dependent on age and genetics, especially when crossed with other breeds
Low birth weight, ease in calving. Excellent for first time heifers, especially when crossed with larger breeds
Naturally polled – no horns
Smaller size allows more animals per acre, which increases pounds of beef per acre
Great for 4H projects
Docile and easy to handle
The average:
Half-blood calf weighs 59 lbs
3/4 blood calf weighs 52 lbs
Fullblood calf born naturally weighs 42 lbs
Fullblood calf born via embryo transfer weighs 48 lbs
Mature bull is 43 inches high and weighs 1,200 lbs
Mature cow is 39 inches high and weighs 800 lbs
Average hanging weight:
Fullblood Lowline steer – live weight averages 850 lbs. hanging weights average 425 lbs. produces averages 320 lbs. retail cuts, or 75% cut-out
Cross Bred Lowline steer – live weight averages 1,200 lbs. with hanging weights average 600 lbs. produces averages 410 lbs. retail cuts, or 65% cut-out